info on a DNS

Kurt Granroth kurt+plug-discuss at
Wed May 20 20:23:17 MST 2009

On 5/19/09 3:54 AM, mike havens wrote:
> I want to find out all that I can about a certain Domain Name Server.
> Unfortunately, I do not have linux on my computer so I will have to ask
> someone to do this for me. The DNS is or

Those are probably the best known public DNS servers on the 'net.  My 
memory is a little fuzzy but from what I remember reading years back, 
they were some of the original DARPA DNS servers.  They then got passed 
between several network companies, always remaining public.  At some 
point, they were owned by Verizon and Level 3... one or both might still 
own them.

They've been popular for several reasons:
1. Public
2. Very fast
3. Been around possibly since before the Internet was the Internet

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