Best first programming language

Matthew A Coulliette matthewlug at
Tue May 19 23:02:40 MST 2009


I am going to be starting classes in the fall, so I have been doing
research on this subject.  I am anti-Microsoft and pro-Linux/open
source.  The languages I want to learn are listed below in the order I
plan on learning them.

Latex: a markup language (it is simple to learn and useful)
Bash: a common shell (As you know the purpose of a shell is to provide
access to the kernel, also Bash is written in C.)
C: a general purpose language (the linux kernel is written in C)
C#: simple, modern, object-oriented language (it should teach good habits)
C++: a middle-level language
Perl: a scripting language
Python: a high-level language

I am not a programmer or a developer (yet), however, I wanted to share
my research.  Hope this helps.


Dennis Kibbe wrote:
> I searched the archive but didn't find a previous discussion about this.
> A friend who graduates from high school next week wants to take a summer course in programming. His goal is to become a business applications programmer.
> He asked me what language he should start with. I'd guess the prgramming landscape is changing with more services going into the cloud.
> Joseph, Hans, Charles I'm sure you have opinoins and I welcome anyone elses.
> My friend, Ian isn't on the list so I'll point him to to follow the discussion.
> dennisk

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