Best "professional" "WEB site" tool out there...

keith smith klsmith2020 at
Tue May 19 12:49:44 MST 2009

--- On Tue, 5/19/09, Matt Graham <danceswithcrows at> wrote:

> From: Matt Graham <danceswithcrows at>
> Subject: Re: Best "professional" "WEB site" tool out there...
> To: "Main PLUG discussion list" <plug-discuss at>
> Date: Tuesday, May 19, 2009, 12:29 PM
> From: keith smith <klsmith2020 at>
> > --- On Tue, 5/19/09, JD Austin <jd at>
> wrote:
> >>> To make a professional looking WEB site with
> minimum effort
> >>> and maximum flexibility.
> >>> A (sort of) knowledgeable person kick-starts
> the site and
> >>> then hands maintenance and minor upgrades to
> monkeys.
> If this is how you do it, it'll eventually look like the
> whole
> thing was put together by monkeys.  Also, the
> requirements
> given are kind of sparse.  How frequently will this be
> updated?
> How many people are doing the updating?  What's the
> purpose of
> the site?  Details Count, and you've provided minimal
> info here.
> >> Joomla, Drupal
> Drupal really hits the DB hard.  How much traffic is
> this thing
> going to get?
> > WordPress allows one to drop a template into a
> directory and
> > go into the control panel and activate it. 
> WordPress allows
> > for plugins and they work the same way as templates,
> just drop
> > in the right directory and activate
> wordpress works (heck, I use it), but the themes available
> may
> have odd warts in them.  It might not work as well as
> you want
> if you have a ton of authors.  

That is a good point.  According to their documentation they say there is a performance degradation if you start your permalink with the postname or category name.

This implies the WordPress engine is flowed.  It implies that there is an inefficiency in the way posts are retrieved and this inefficiency is multiplied if you do not use a numeric field to start the permalink.  

WordPress falls short in the SEO area because of this and a few other short comings.  

However some if not all of the SEO short comings seen to be less relevant because it seems the search engines like WordPress and may be giving blogs a preference over non-blog sites, possibly because they are web 2.0.  This point is hard to support though, it is just a theory.   


> There are spamming
> bastards out
> there who inject crap into the comments section of any
> wordpress
> site they find, so you have to deal with that as
> well.  There
> are multiple ways to do that, of course.
> > There is a learning curve with all of these.
> Yep.
> -- 
> Matt G / Dances With Crows
> The Crow202 Blog:
> There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for
> us to see
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