OT: [Computerworld:] "Cisco takes aim at WiMax"

Mike Schwartz schwartz at acm.org
Mon May 18 13:56:36 MST 2009

This link:

points to an article ("Cisco takes aim at WiMax") from Computerworld.
Does this relate to this old thread? :
[OT: (is this OT?) ["Tempe ... isn't alone"] www.computerworld.com on
municipal wifi woes]
or, is my ignorance about the term [WiMax] even more than I thought?
"see also": this other old post:
[Re: OT: (is this OT?) udpate - [news item: "Sebastopol"] (was: Re: [...]
municipal wifi woes)]
(including, the link it has, to a NY Times story...)
Mike Schwartz
Glendale  AZ
schwartz at acm.org
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