Router problem

Jon M. Hanson jon at
Mon Mar 16 20:43:14 MST 2009

My in-laws were having the same kind of problem with their Linksys  
router. I think they tried two of them. Before they gave up on their  
second one I convinced them to let me try to flash a third-party  
firmware in to it (DD-WRT, to be exact; I hear Tomato is very good as  
well). They haven't had any problems with it since DD-WRT was flashed  
in there.
Jon M. Hanson (N7ZVJ)
Jabber IM: jon at

On Mar 16, 2009, at 8:31 PM, Mark Jarvis wrote:

> I have a laptop connected via wireless & two computers connected via  
> cable to a Linksys WRT54G router which is connected to a Linksys  
> cable modem. Most of the time everything is OK but every day or four  
> the router & the cable modem quit talking. When this happens,  
> unplugging the router for 15 or 20 seconds fixes the problem. Friend  
> wife is getting very tired of the interruptions & says "If that  
> router isn't working right, get a new one!"
> Before I spend the $$ for a new router, I decided to try upgrading  
> the firmware on what I have. I went to & downloaded a  
> firmware upgrade. I was going to do the recommended backup of the  
> router settings before installing it, but I can't connect to the the  
> blasted router! As instructed, I tried connecting to 
> . I've tried from Seamonkey, Mozilla, & IE7 and get "Network  
> Timeout" from all.
> Is there something I'm missing, or is the router is trying to tell  
> me that it's tired of life?
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