Opera as a Server

Chris Gehlker canyonrat at mac.com
Sun Jun 21 05:00:16 MST 2009

On Jun 20, 2009, at 8:13 PM, Lisa Kachold wrote:

> http://arstechnica.com/web/news/2009/06/opera-hoping-to-reinvent-the-web-by-making-browser-a-server.ars

Microsoft puts a server, enabled by default, in the OS and that works  
out so well with Blaster et al that it spawns a new industry of  
firewall software to block it. Now Opera want's to repeat the  
experiment with their browser. Oh well, Opera's market share on the   
desktop is so miniscule that it  probably  doesn't matter.

God must have loved the people in power, for he made them so much  
like  their own image of him.
-Kenneth Patchen

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