OT: C programmers....

kitepilot at kitepilot.com kitepilot at kitepilot.com
Fri Jun 19 09:37:44 MST 2009

What do you mean by "handle" ?
Looks like a callback to me...
I'd like to see the signature of the function that you are calling to get 
the "handle".

PS: We may want to take the conversation off the list unless someone else is 


James Finstrom writes: 

> Greetings all, 
> I am writing app that allows me to control my canon SLR with my wiimote. I
> am trying to figure out how to call a function in main that generats a
> handle then returns the handle to main 
> Concept: 
> connect(){ connect to wiimote and return handle foo} 
> main(){ call connect(), get handle, perform actions on that handle} 
> James Finstrom

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