Fedora rpmbuild direcories

Eric Shubert ejs at shubes.net
Wed Jul 15 15:30:19 MST 2009

Lisa Kachold wrote:
> Hey Eric,
> On 7/15/09, Eric Shubert <ejs at shubes.net> wrote:
>> Can anyone on the list help fill me in on exactly which FC version
>> changed the rpmbuild directory from /usr/src/redhat/ to $HOME/rpmbuild/
>> ?
> I believe that FC4 changed /usr/fedora to /src/redhat.
> When you import the kernel sources, you will then have a rpmbuild directory.
>> I know that FC10 has $HOME/rpmbuild/, but am wondering about FC9, FC8,
>> FC7, FC6.
> Check your version against these installation instructions:
> http://wiki.qmailtoaster.com/index.php/Main_Page#Installation
>> If you're running a toaster on any of these versions, have you
>> ever run qtp-newmodel successfully? (It will most definitely fail on
>> versions that have changed). I'm wondering most about FC9 and FC8.
> http://wiki.qmailtoaster.com/index.php/QMail-Toaster:FAQ
> I have not run it, but it looks really good.  If you post the failure
> error message (or give me vpn account, I can certainly get her
> working). This is a robust package.
>> Thanks for your help.
>> --
>> -Eric 'shubes'

Thanks Lisa.
I've been running QMT for several years now, and you're right - it is 
really good (regardless of Craig's preference ;) ). I've written a large 
part of what's on that wiki, and I built the http://qtp.qmailtoaster.com 
site, in addition to writing many of the scripts there.

To be honest, I meant to post that question on the QMT list, but after 
it was done I figured that some here might know the answer, so left well 
enough alone.

 From what I've found out, the answer appears to be FC10. FC9 still used 
/usr/src/redhat for rpms builds (by default). FC10 now uses 
$HOME/rpmbuild/, which is a change long overdue (imho).

Thanks again everybody. Sorry for the interruption.
-Eric 'shubes'

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