[Slightly OT] General Email Question

Matt Graham danceswithcrows at usa.net
Thu Jul 9 13:18:12 MST 2009

> From: Mark Philips
>> I send an email to someone and get an out of office response. I would
>> like to schedule resending my email when the person is back in the
>> office, particularly when he/she will be out of the office for
>> several days or weeks.
From: "Bob Elzer" <bob.elzer at gmail.com>
> To me this sounds like it might be very annoying. You send me a
> message while I was away, when I get back and start going through my
> emails, I read and reply to yours. Then as I get to the end of my
> email, I get the same email from you again.

There are a lot of people who don't know how to use e-mail well.
These people tend to only look at the last ~30 messages they got, or
not pay attention to anything older than N days, or not know that the
"preview pane" is a scrollable window, so they only read the first 
N lines of a message, or something like that.  Maybe these are the
people Mark is trying to reach.  (It's too bad that "get smarter
users" is just not doable a lot of the time.)

I'm sure the problem is solvable if you have atd running.  The mail
command is pseudocode because I can't remember the name of the client
that runs from the command line and allows you to easily attach files
and all of that junk:

(save message in /path/msg)
(attachment in /path/blah.jpg)
at 9am Jul 16
 mailcommand -s 'a subject' --attach /path/blah.jpg < /path/msg

...I will find out which client(s) can be used to do this once I 
can get to my notes on this subject later on today, and get you a
real way of solving this.

> like it could cause problems, like people thinking you are very
> impatient.

In some places, constant impatience and being loud is seen as a
sign of competence and drive.

Matt G / Dances With Crows
The Crow202 Blog:  http://crow202.org/wordpress/
There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us to see

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