Google Chrome OS on Linux

GK gm5729 at
Wed Jul 8 13:16:08 MST 2009

I've been reading the articles as they have hit the web about Google OS.
Well I guess we know when there will be Linux version of Chrome. LOL
Google has used and provided many services based on FOSS, but they're
still a business and they have competitors. One majorly fierce one being
m$. So they are going to protect what ground they have covered. I like
Gmail, I have it and have had it since they started. I like the sites
portion of Google and have a web site on it.
On my computer I use a /etc/hosts list from Bluetack. I also use F/F
privacy protection extensions which not only prevent Google but other
companies from tracking me based on cookies in the browser, and in case
you didn't know cookies from Flash applications, videos that run in said
browser that aren't deleted when you delete histories, etc.

However, in any business information/knowledge is power. The have tons
of ad-sense slots, they track every thing you search on, they use
keyword searchers to target emails. Piece by piece putting a complete
user picture of its demographical areas. I think this trend is
dangerous. I have email, but I only have so much email on my acct that I
can afford to lose if they up and decide to shut down access to my
account. Which they can do without cause. I have backups of my contacts.
On my website with them I have the originals so I can rebuild if
necessary. Okay, you say they do daily backups. Try to get ahold of a
real person if your email account is locked.   It just won't happen.
Once data leaves my machine it is public domain. There is NO right to
privacy with anything sent out in the open. Which is why I personally
sign all my email and encrypt where possible. Then that data is useless
to them because they can't catergorize it. Having your business out in a
"cloud" Are they going to pay your taxes for you and generate leads.
Probably not. And whats to stop the data as it travels between servers
of somebody harvesting something and getting your leads. Trash diggers
do it. Well so do the dataminers. They are all in the same class. Yes
its Supposed to be Open Source.. Mozilla is open source but it is under
Mozilla License. I couldn't change their databases, or the manner in
which they are organzied like I can with a local copy. Handing control
of my information to a company that is faceless doesn't quite ring right
with me.


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