OT: Redmond

Josh Coffman joshcoffman at gmail.com
Fri Jan 16 12:12:32 MST 2009

well its looking a lot better than Vista even though its still in Beta; and
stuff tends to get tightened up and more efficient just prior RTM.  So this
should be mountains better than the Vista release.

I wouldn't bet on it for old hardware or netbooks though. It's still
microsoft ya know.  Yeah, Win7 weighs in around 16gig, which is a far cry
from the metric ton of Vista. 16gig is still not a flyweight.  At one time,
I think I had a usable Fedora install around 7-8 gig without trying; don't
remember for sure.


On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 11:43 AM, keith smith <klsmith2020 at yahoo.com> wrote:

> So can we speculate that M$ is making Vista/win7 less resource intensive so
> it can compete in the netbook environment.
> I understand it takes up about 10 Gigs of space.
> Would be nice to have an O/S that requires less and is more efficient.
> Maybe we can recycle some old hardware :)
> ------------------------
> Keith Smith
> <http://www.netcodeman.com/>
> --- On *Fri, 1/16/09, Josh Coffman <joshcoffman at gmail.com>* wrote:
> From: Josh Coffman <joshcoffman at gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: OT: Redmond
> To: "Main PLUG discussion list" <plug-discuss at lists.plug.phoenix.az.us>
> Date: Friday, January 16, 2009, 9:59 AM
> From what I hear, and this is from .Net devs who are running win7, its
> described as "Vista without the crap". It performs nearly as fast as WinXP
> and with far lighter hardware requirements than Vista. (which isn't hard)
> From the screenshots I've seen, it has a lighter look and feel that Vista,
> but that's just "make-up".  I'm going to make a vmware machine with it so
> I'll see for myself.  Since it will be on the same machine (mac) as my WinXP
> vm (which I do use a lot), I'll be able to compare them easily.
> Vista was a near daily frustration, either I've gotten used to the pain or
> its gotten a little less painful. Probably both. I still don't like Vista. I
> have to deal with it though. So I hope Win7 is better, a lot better, because
> windows a part of my job.
> As an aside, I use Vista, WinXP, and Mac OSX a lot. Ubuntu holds itws own
> againts all of them. I've read some people think Win7 is a linux killer
> (speaking of the netbook market). I don't buy that at all.
> -j
> On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 8:42 AM, Joe Fleming <joe at selectitaly.com> wrote:
>>  I'm really curious what all the fuss over windows 7 is all about. I
>> mean, it's just vista with a few changes, and from what I can tell those
>> changes are pretty small. I always think it's funny seeing sites talk about
>> how bad vista is and how much better 7 is, considering it's really nothing
>> more than a point release/service pack with a new name. Apparently m$
>> actually DOES know how to play the marketing game. It'll be interesting to
>> see how it's received by consumers and the press when it's finally released
>> I guess. Me, I still don't have any problem running XP; works beautifully in
>> VirtualBox ;).
>> -Joe
>> James Finstrom wrote:
>> I like to imagine it is because I am important or that its because I went
>> to church with many Microsoft cube gnomes when I lived in Washington but
>> none of these things are true simply because I am on a Microsoft Spam list I
>> got an invitation and license to download and play with Windows 7 beta. So
>> let me share the expierience and overview so far I like things with the word
>> free even if it is only as in beer and only for a short time, Anyhow with
>> fear and the smell of danger that acompanies all things that say Microsoft
>> and Beta in the same typography I clicked the shiny banner answered a few
>> questions and got a key + link.  the minimum requirements say 1Gig ram and
>> 128M video  and blah blah something something okay whatever click.... Anyhow
>> the download comes up says this could take several days depending on your
>> provider and the download size is...... 2.44 GIG holy redhat batman I need
>> to go buy a dvd to burn this down to, well so much for free. Anyhow it is
>> chewing up some bandwith that can be better allocated but I am going to grab
>> it if for nothing else just to see if http://xkcd.com/528/  is true...
>> James Finstrom
>> Rhino Equipment Corp.
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