OT:Exchange good? - And the flame wars begin (Was:Re:newhotness?)

Stephen cryptworks at gmail.com
Tue Feb 24 10:51:21 MST 2009

Also Windows Small Business Server does not support Terminal Services,
at least in SBS 2k3 outside of remote desktop administration. and I
think compileing a good list of what SBS really does, and adding to
that is a good start.

On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 8:36 AM, Bryan O'Neal
<boneal at cornerstonehome.com> wrote:
> I could code to save my life, but not well enough to start a whole project.
> However, for something like a sbs solution I would think the real talent
> would be in just creating a distro that had solutions pre installed and
> configured with a handful of questions asked during install. You would need
> LDAP & KRB that could be used for single sign on for Linux, Mac, and windows
> desktops. You would need Samba for file and print sharing (With ACLs). You
> would need an exchange like package with cross platform clients. You would
> need a substitute for SharePoint, terminal services, and a remote desktop
> gateway.  You would need Apache with a wiki and a default intra company
> website.  You would need something like openvpn.  You would need central
> management of desktops.  After that you would just need to have easy,
> integrated, management counsel.  And I am sure their a half dozen other
> items I am forgetting. I could coble together most of the function, without
> the central management, client computer management, SharePoint substitute,
> exchange substitute, and a few others. However to get what I could replace
> as one unified package is way beyond me.  It does seem that SuSE would
> probably give you the closest starting point.
> If anyone starts something I could probably help with some things.  I have
> enjoyed my work with win/lin integration using windows as a domain
> controller and would not mind taking a stab at having it work the other way.
> Actually, where are SuSE and RedHat on their "domain" projects?  Anyone
> know?

A mouse trap, placed on top of your alarm clock, will prevent you from
rolling over and going back to sleep after you hit the snooze button.


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