OT:Exchange good? - And the flame wars begin (Was:Re:new hotness?)

Bryan O'Neal boneal at cornerstonehome.com
Fri Feb 20 15:23:15 MST 2009

Fedora has an AD integration project as well.  I too am very interested. As
for their communications being secret...  I can by that, but I don't think
people would be apposed to using a different client if that is what offers
the best integration with their server.  However I am the first to tell you
the easiest way to bring FOSS into an office is slowly, a few people at a
time, so it does hinder natural migration if the FOSS client can not talk to
exchange well OR the outlook client can not talk to the FOSS server well.
But, outlook as a client is a very well documented application platform, so
you could plug-in your own communication schema into the client to talk to
the server.  This is how a number of private companies worked some really
nice PM and CRM integration with their own back ends and it would be no
different for FOSS, save some one would have to learn .net or VBA ;)

-----Original Message-----
From: plug-discuss-bounces at lists.plug.phoenix.az.us
[mailto:plug-discuss-bounces at lists.plug.phoenix.az.us] On Behalf Of Stephen
P Rufle
Sent: Friday, February 20, 2009 3:06 PM
To: Main PLUG discussion list
Subject: Re: OT:Exchange good? - And the flame wars begin (Was:Re:new

Would it be fair to say that MS keeps just enough of exchange or its
communication methods secret so that it is hard for others (OSS
projects) to create the same seamless integration available using the MS
native programs without buying a license for the secret technology .

It seems that the $1500 price makes it a great short term investment.
Then there is a constant pull to just use a ms solution because it plugs in
nicely.I see that as being what grates on folks.

Sort of related I heard that upcoming Samba 4 will be able to act as an AD
server will that continue to help with penetration into the enterprise
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