Epic Epoch Time Party Time

Tuna tuna at supertunaman.com
Tue Feb 10 22:24:32 MST 2009

Excerpts from Dale Farnsworth's message of Tue Feb 10 22:15:09 -0700 2009:
> Tuna wrote:
> > I'm sure you are all aware of the UNIX epoch, and how it will be
> > 1234567890 on the night of Friday the 13th, 23:31:30. I suggest that we
> > have a PLUG party on this night to go down in history. We will all watch
> > the clocks on our laptops (we'll sync times of course) until that one
> > moment...
> I'm pretty sure that it's 4:31:30 pm local time.
> -Dale

Really? That's actually more convenient for me then.
Andrew "Tuna" Harris
Hacker, Caffeine-Addict
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