M$ and history

eculbert eculbert at yahoo.com
Sun Feb 1 15:38:26 MST 2009

I'd be willing to bet that at least 3 out of 4 that wonder why older (over 40 years old) dislike MicroShaft and its policies are under and many times well under 30 age wise. 

They just haven't been around long enough to see what Bill Gates has done to throttle and kill better ideas and companies. 

Like one else said today about Google's morning hiccup, IF that was m$ they wouldn't have said anything for 2 weeks then tried to blame someone else instead of owning up to an OOPS! Not to mention it would have taken all day if not a week to fix.


Ed/ke7feg  ....Now that November is here, April can wait!

On 2/23/2007 the morse code requirement was dropped for getting 
a ham license. Now just pass the written exams which are on the 
web at arrl.org for questions and http://www.kb0mga.net/exams/


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