FLASH disk as swap

Alex Dean alex at crackpot.org
Thu Dec 3 07:50:26 MST 2009

On Dec 3, 2009, at 4:40 AM, Marco Savo wrote:

> Hello,
> I have a *simple* question:
> it is possible use a FLASH drive as SWAP?

Probably, but why would you want to?  For a normal desktop or server,  
I see a lot of disadvantages and no advantages over putting swap on a  
regular HDD.  Post up your specific reason for being interested in the  
question, and we can probably provide better advice.  If you really  
just want to know 'can it be done', I think the answer is "yes, but  
don't do it".

> and which is the best filesistem to use then?
> (UBIFS? EXT4?...)

A swap partition is its own kind thing.  It doesn't have a normal  


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