Kernel vulnerability

Lisa Kachold lisakachold at
Fri Aug 14 14:22:29 MST 2009

Hi Paul!

On 8/14/09, Paul Mooring <drpppr242 at> wrote:
> Anybody seen this?

Yes, we regularly review the kernel level Null deference pointers and
their potential for exploit.

This is an OLD basic level C stack issue that comes up in various ways
(glibc, ssh, etc.)

Linus did provide a patch, which requires a recompile for you custom
kernel types.

If you are running Suse, Redhat/Fedora, or debian/Ubuntu, you simply
follow their kernel patch protocol (usually only a reboot).

This is trivial with adequate safety steps (USB NAS, booting to say
LiveCD/USBkey Knoppix and dd existing sources prior to recompile).  An
excellent understanding of kernel builds and resurrection in the case
of disaster is recommended.

Without a complete evaluation of your existing kernel and server
utilization, I can't give you a full risk assessment, but certainly
suggest that you maintain all of your systems with the most current
patch levels, should you have any interest in maintaining pwnership
and uptime.

> and more importantly is there someone more knowledgable than me that can
> tell me a way to check if my system are affected by this? (I'm using
> mostly all custom compiled kernels).
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