SIP to POTS gateways ?

Nathan England nathan at
Sat Aug 1 01:19:53 MST 2009

I have been a big time user of Skype for years. I still have a cell phone, but I dumped all my other lines long ago, even my cell to now I use a prepaid verizon cell phone and I use Skype for all my calls. It's hard to beat 2.95 a month for unlimited calling! 

Now with this skype stupidity about, I'm curious about other companies that I could use for making calls through my ISP rather than getting a regular line again. 

Obviously, I'd like it to be cheap and a Linux client is a must...

anyone use something other than skype?

Nathan England
(928) 951-5116
nathan at

Information Security Consulting
Software and Web Development
Systems Administration

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