Top vs. Bottom again (Was:Re: SELinux vs. AppArmor vs. Standard vs. What?)

Alan Dayley alandd at
Fri Oct 31 22:26:42 MST 2008

On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 10:04 PM, R P Herrold <herrold at> wrote:
> I'm pretty sure that consciously flouting known conventions of
> a mailing list [regardless of a smiley] is an indicator that
> the person doing it prefers to burden everyone else, rather
> than do what that person 'knows' the expectation is.

This specific mailing list does not have a defined top or bottom post
convention for Ted to have flouted.

> If you leave food out on the counters, you get roaches; if you
> reward improper behaviour, the exceptions swallow up the rule,
> and entropy wins sooner.  If the rule is wrong, lobby to
> change it; my vote on Ted's proposal to dump 'don't top post'
> was stated publicly in my post.

Simply deleting email from people who top post is a very high price to
pay in lost knowledge, IMO.  But if that works for you, go for it.

Now, before we go any further with a "top posting vs. bottom posting"
discussion, please see past discussions in the archive.  A good start
was my summary from 23.5 months ago here:

Which, BTW, has a prediction that was full filled here:

And I will again predict that before next Halloween we will again see
a discussion about top posting vs. bottom posting which will again
change no one's mind on the topic.


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