HackFest Series: OCTOBER CERT ADVISORIES - Happy Halloween!

Lisa Kachold lisakachold at obnosis.com
Thu Oct 30 08:41:22 MST 2008

It's been a very scary month:


October 29OpenOffice.org Releases Two Security Bulletins

October 27Microsoft Releases Security Advisory 958963

October 27Microsoft Releases Out-of-Band Security Bulletin MS08-067

October 23Cisco Releases Advisory for Cisco PIX and ASA

October 23Microsoft Releases Advance Notification for Out-of-Band October Security Bulletin

October 22Trend Micro OfficeScan Critical Patch Release

October 21F-Secure Releases Security Bulletin FSC-2008-3

October 16Adobe Releases Security Bulletin for Flash Player

October 15Oracle Releases Critical Patch Update for October 2008

October 14Microsoft Updates Security Advisory 951306

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Laugh at this MSN Footer

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