Updates Restart and Login question

Dazed_75 lthielster at gmail.com
Tue Nov 18 17:54:43 MST 2008

I am running ubuntu 8.04.1 on this machine.  Update Manager siad there
were updates available and after looking them over, I allowed them. A
restart was required and I had it do that.  Then I got busy.  I was
about to leave when I noticed the machine was waiting at the login
screen.  Since I was about to leave, I choose to shutdown from the
login screen rather than logging in.  I figured starting up later
would be just as good.

During shutdown, the machine started beeping at me like something was
wrong.  Messages flashed by rapidly but I did see the word failure
several times.  So my question is whether skipping the login on a
required restart is a bad idea???\\

BTW, I started it up again and everything seemed to go normally
including a normal login.

Man is the only animal that laughs and weeps, for he is the only
animal that is struck with the difference between what things are and
what they ought to be.
  - William Hazlitt

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