wireless broadband

Jason Spatafore jasons at spatafore.net
Thu May 1 18:07:25 MST 2008

On Thu, 2008-05-01 at 23:38 +0000, Michael Havens wrote:
> is there a way to get it w/o subscribing to verizon's version of it where it 
> costsover a dollar per minute after you've used your minutes..... what is 
> this crap! just charge us x amount and give us the stinking phones. what 
> thieves! thaat is how I feel about it!

Like every technology, companies rip off the consumer during the "low
demand" period. Once the technology hits mainstream, the prices drop
drastically. However, at no time does a corporation take liability for
not being able to provide the service you are paying for.

Yes, ant-corporate lately when it comes to consumer rights. Go Nader. :)

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