Virtual Box vs. VmWare Server

James Lee Bell nuclear-cowboy at
Tue Mar 18 16:24:26 MST 2008

JT Moree wrote:
> I use both.  VMWare's interface is a little nicer but vbox seems to have
> copied it's layout for the most part.
> feature set is pretty much the same.
> usually can get vbox to work easier than vmware due to less kernel
> compiling requirements and vbox is out of the box with debian/ubuntu.
> vmware has easier setup for complicated networks.
I've been trying to switch over to ubuntu (linux mint) at work, and
running corp desktop in virtual machine. Vbox seemed to run the same VM
with less required resources, however, the network setup was something
that bit me. If you want to run your VM's with their own real IP on the
connected network, you have to build your own bridge interfaces. At
home, I run wireless only and trying to get eth1 configured into a
bridge that the VM could use caused me enough issues that I haven't
tried again in a few weeks.  They do have a large chunk in the user
manual that tells you about the networking, but its a rather hefty chunk
that one wishes they could build into the tool.

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