Linux history test

Nathan Aubrey nathan at
Thu Mar 13 14:30:26 MST 2008

On Thursday 13 March 2008 13:40:26 Shawn Badger wrote:
> See how well you score!! I only got 70% :(


My birthday is in September, it was kind of a personal birthday present 
between me and Linus... lol

I got my first computer for my birthday in September, and shortly after I had 
become discusted with windows 3.1 and dos 5, (about 10 minutes) I began to 
wonder, because at school we had apples, so there was obviously something 
other than windows out there! 

Yahoo had a section in their catalogue about software development/operating 

I jumped and began poking around. I didn't get real involved until slackware 
came out in 93.


PaysonLinux Workstation 4.0.1
 Because Windows Sucks.

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