Ubuntu and Compiz Fusion

Matt Graham danceswithcrows at usa.net
Mon Jul 21 18:46:32 MST 2008

After a long battle with technology, Joshua Nalli wrote:
> How come when I enable visual effects in Ubuntu, I [lose] the ability
> to move the windows around and close or minimize them?  Is this just
> because of compiz?

Your compiz-fusion settings are incorrect in some way.  It sounds like your 
old window manager has died, and compiz hasn't started up correctly.  
Describe your problem more fully.  Have the titlebars and frames disappeared?  
If so, then yeah, compiz isn't running.  Each distro does compiz differently.  

In Gentoo, I had to either use the evil nvidia modules or the radeon modules 
(depending on whether the machine I was using had an nVidia card or an ATi 
card, you're on your own if you have an i810.)  I also had to edit 
the /usr/bin/compiz-manager script to make it do things properly.  It ended 
up doing:

# this is what controls the way the frame+titlebars look
# you can also use emerald or gtk-window-decorator
kde-window-decorator --replace &
# this is the actual window manager
/usr/bin/compiz --replace ccp

...but you may not wish to run compiz, because it's still beta, and the eye 
candy is just eye candy even though "annotate" could be useful for some 

   "Oh bother," said the Borg, "We've assimilated Pooh."
   --MHR on alt.fan.pratchett
  My blog: http://crow202.org/wordpress/
Matt G|There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us to see

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