Sccts guy contradicts RIAA document

Chris Gehlker canyonrat at
Fri Jan 4 08:14:30 MST 2008

On Jan 4, 2008, at 3:16 AM, eric© wrote:

> On Jan 4, 2008 12:25 AM, Chris Gehlker <canyonrat at> wrote:
>> within my own household. So go ahead, Craig. Forward this post to any
>> record company executive that you choose. We both know that they  
>> won't
>> take any action against me.
> yet.........

There are also two iPods in my family with songs ripped from CDs.  
That's why I feel foolish that I initially believed the Washington  
Post story. As the Motley Fool article points out, The RIAA would  be  
adopting a position which would force Apple and Microsoft to supply   
lawyers for the other side. The RIAA is evil but they're not quite  
that stupid.

I'm perfectly confident that the RIAA will leave me alone because they  
would be utterly defeated it they tried to sue me for "stealing" music  
within my own household.

But hey, turn me in if you want to. Collect a reward if you can. I  
wish you well.

Vegetarians eat Vegetables, Humanitarians frighten me

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