Stammtische this Tues

der.hans PLUGd at
Wed Feb 13 21:15:19 MST 2008

moin moin,

it's almost that time again. The Stammtische will be this coming Tuesday
night. I will be offline for the week, so the reminder's going out now. It
would be cool if someone would send another reminder Monday.

Both start at 19:00, but we're eating and drinking, so no requirement to
be punctual.

Boulders on Broadway
530 W Broadway Rd
Tempe, AZ 85282-1311
480 921 9431

Wings, Pizza and Things
965 E Van Buren St, Suite 124-125
Avondale, AZ 85323
623 882 0335

At SCALE I might've picked up a couple new people for the Avondale
location and it should also have a couple of people in from the SMCC LUG.

The Stammtische are specifically UG neutral and open to anyone interested
in Free Software. I actively welcome in PhxBUG, ASULUG, SMCC LUG, DeLUG,
EVLUG, TFUG, LUNA, AzPHP, the 15 ruby and/or rails groups we have,
PerlMongers, etc. Feel free to send an invite to anyone you think might be


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