HackFest Series: Need IDS Forensic Team Members

Ryan Rix phrkonaleash at gmail.com
Mon Dec 22 19:47:50 MST 2008

On Monday 22 December 2008 4:20:01 pm Lisa Kachold wrote:
> We need more people willing to build and man honeypots, IDS and complete
> forensics post fest!  The challenge is to find all the attack vectors and
> prove encroachment via logs ad loggers for presentation and educational
> contunium after each flag.
> Please email me if interested.

I am currently configuring a server under fedora 10... I can create a Xen VM 
for a honeypot, so long as my main server is left untouched by intruders, when 
time allows. There is nothing sensitive on the main server, and probably will 
not be -- just hosting a wordpress blog and a few other toys -- but I would 
just rather have it that way and not have to worry about cleaning kernel 
rootkits out and such ;) ), I am on winter break right now and will have ample 
time to do such things (maybe take part in a few hackfest series' as well)

If this ends up happening would someone be willing to help me set up the 
honeypot? (I should be able to set up the Xen environment myself with 
tutorials, etc)

Thanks and best,
Ryan Rix

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