KDE 4 and Kubuntu?

Craig White craigwhite at azapple.com
Mon Aug 25 17:44:28 MST 2008

On Mon, 2008-08-25 at 17:16 -0700, Bill Lindley wrote:
> Dan Lund wrote:
> >  what is the plus side versus RHEL/CentOS?
> >   
> Just one example -- (K)Ubuntu comes with Gimp 2.4 ... the latest CentOS
> still has Gimp  2.2 ... and similarly with many packages.  CentOS is
> wonderful for a server but less than optimal if you want to have the
> latest of everything on your desktop.
You should probably compare apples to apples - Ubuntu Server is
different than Ubuntu Desktop (& Kubuntu) but in general, I agree that I
only use RHEL or CentOS for servers and tend to run newer, more edgy
stuff on desktops (Fedora or Ubuntu) for just the reason you
suggest...newer releases.


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