PPC Linux

David Huerta huertanix at gmail.com
Tue Aug 12 16:09:53 MST 2008

> I will be installing linux on a mac g4.
> I was wondering if anyone is currently running a ppc linux server and if
> so any distro recommendations.

I run YellowDog Linux on my iBook G4, but have found that there's not
a lot of pre-built packages for various applications available
(Banshee, for instance) as there are with other non-PPC distros or
even other PPC distros such as SuSE, which seems to have more than
plenty of rpms out there.  The version of Gnome and its bluetooth
applet also doesn't seem to tie into Gnome's bluetooth manager as it
does on Ubuntu under x86, from what I can tell too.

Other than that, YDL worked with mostly everything out of the box,
save for 3D video acceleration (ATI FAIL) and WiFi (for lack of
Broadcom specs available).

david [.dh] huerta

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