sed help

Walter J. Mack wmack at
Wed Apr 2 11:08:46 MST 2008

Hope this works better...

ls -l | awk '{print $8}' | grep -e 's/\....$//'

I presume the awk does what it is supposed to

grep -e still needs the s/from/to/
\. should match the . literally. (You might have to do a "\\." - not 
sure without trying. If you use bash, insert a set -x before the line to 
see what the shell does with the escaping)
the $ will match the end of the string, so if you have a file that is 
all.tar.bz2, it would leave the all.tar and get rid of the .bz2

Kevin Faulkner wrote:
> I'm sorry its too hard to read your email, turn off HTML email in Thunderbird by
> going to account settings > then select your mailbox then "uncheck" compose HTML
> email. 
> As for using cut, that might work I had not really thought about that. I'll play
> around with it and let ya'll know.
> I am familiar with Perl, and I know that it won't work in my situation. sed and
> awk will still be around for years to come, and they are still very practical.
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