OT: Request for speaker

Vaughn Treude vltreude at deru.com
Wed Sep 26 12:38:18 MST 2007

Hello everyone:
Once again I've found myself in a bind.  I need to find a speaker for my 
IEEE consultant's group on Thursday October 11th.  I know that PLUG has 
lots of good presenters - for example, Gene Holmerud gave us a very 
interesting talk about his Science Bowl project a couple of years ago. 
So I'm wondering if anybody might be interested, or know somebody who's 
interested. (Yes, unfortunately it's on the same night as the East Side 
PLUG meeting.)  The meeting is at the Denny's at Scottsdale and Osborne 
at 6:30 PM.  Since we're an engineering group the talk can be pretty 
technical.  But we have a fairly wide range of expertise so a very 
specific topic like kernel hacking would probably not interest most of 
us.  Computer security is always a good topic, as would anything to do 
with networking or even forensics.  Benefits:  we pay for the speaker's 
meal, and if you're a consultant yourself or looking for work, it's a 
good networking opportunity.  The group is small, about 10 people 
usually.  We have an electronic projector and screen available.  This 
particular Denny's has a nice meeting room with a door so it's not too 
noisy.  Any interested parties, please contact me as soon as you can.
Vaughn Treude

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