Nokia N800 and the Palm T/X

stevensspam at stevensspam at
Mon Sep 17 11:27:57 MST 2007

I recall seeing some discussion of the N800 here in the past, although not much comes up when I try searching. All the reviews I've managed to find are all from right after it was released.

The Palm T/X also seems to be going on and off discount lately, and Google hasn't been doing me to well on finding anything recent about it's Linux compatibility.

Has anyone in PLUG been using either of them? Both look like they could be nice for short hops online without needing to boot up the desktop or plug in the laptop (which has little battery life, but at $500 new in 2005 I'm not complaining). Either of them worth dropping ~$350 on? If I go the Palm direction I might just wait a little while longer and grab a Treo instead since I can probably get it much more heavily discounted.

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