OT: how to set up a newsletter mailing list

keith smith klsmith2020 at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 12 17:33:26 MST 2007

Try Email Aces.

If you go to http://emailaces.com/try_us_free.php

You can sign up for free.  With a small list like 
yours you might be able to use the service for free
forever.  If not it cost $9.95/mo and is feature rich.

Josef Lowder <joe at actionline.com> wrote: .
What is the best way to set up a newsletter mailing list 
so I can send the same email message once a month to all 
of the email addresses (about 100) in my mailing list 
without using Cc: or Bcc:?  This would *not* be spam 
as these are email addresses of my own clients.

Someone has suggested either Dada Mail or Google Groups, 
but I have not been able to find a tutorial that explains 
step-by-step the best way to set up something like this. 

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Keith Smith
(480) 584-4772
PHP Programming

Be a better pen pal. Text or chat with friends inside Yahoo! Mail. See how.
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