Dell 1420n Laptop, upgrade to Gusty

Phillip Waclawski waclawski at
Fri Nov 2 20:18:49 MST 2007

Had one minor glitch, and it would have been fixed a bit more quickly
had I known more about debian/ubuntu (Glad I kept ubuntu, been doing too
much with CentOS apparently).

When I booted into gutsy, no graphics (and no desktop).

After a quick call to the Dell Ubuntu Help Desk (Yeah, they actually
have one, and they were pretty competent),
He had me boot into recovery mode (which I was already in) and run

sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg

And when I rebooted, everything works! Wireless (with WPA2), graphics
etc.   And I have the NEW Gimp 2.4, which has some very cool new features.

Have fun folks,
Phil W.

CIS Faculty: Phil Waclawski

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