The PLUG site

Alan Dayley alandd at
Fri May 25 10:36:14 MST 2007

Josef Lowder wrote:
> While I don't know what the arrangements are, unless PLUG is 
> paying something for this hosting, I think we should all just 
> be thankful to the organization that has been and continues to 
> provide space for PLUG ... and find some good way to express our 
> appreciation.

Integrum Technologies ( has donated our host
space and bandwidth for some time now.  We are very appreciative of
their support for the group.  PLUG has provided them with a certificate
of appreciation and many thanks.

The best expression of appreciation would be to send business their way
when it makes sense to do so.  And/or buy them a root beer (or beverage
of their choice) when you see Derek or Jade or Ryan around town.


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