Idea: FSF speaker?

der.hans PLUGd at
Thu May 17 13:07:53 MST 2007

Am 17. May, 2007 schwätzte Mike Schwartz so:

> On 5/16/07, Dennis Kibbe <dennisk at> wrote:
>> From: "Mike Schwartz" <mike.l.schwartz at>

>> I'll ask about a speaker when I'm back at the FSF office next week.  This
>> would be a good event for AZOTA to sponsor since it's more about Freedom
>> than Linux.
>> I've already been touch with Joshua Gay, FSF's new Campaigns Manager.
>> Dennisk
> OK, could someone help me out here?
> I am trying to look up AZOTA, and so far

It doesn't yet exist. The Arizona Open Technology Association, AZOTA, is
an Arizona-based non-profite we're creating in order to support education,
advocacy, promotion and use of Free Software, Open Standards and Open
Formats in the state of Arizona.

But, we're nothing more than a concept at this point.

If you would like to help us build AZOTA please email me ( or Dennis since
he let the cat ouf of the bag ) privately.

Once we get paperwork going and a little infrastructure built we will
start working on projects to support Free Software, Open Standards and
Open Formats in Arizona.


#  Take a razor to your throat
#  and a noose to your neck,
#  then follow that up with a cup of poison.
#  Not a good way to start the day. - der.hans

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