How to make a computer turn itself on at a scheduled time?

Darrin Chandler dwchandler at
Tue May 8 22:28:48 MST 2007

On Tue, May 08, 2007 at 11:07:36PM -0600, Josef Lowder wrote:
> .
> How can one make a computer turn itself on at a scheduled time? 
> While I leave my computer on 24x7, I'd like to set up my wife's 
> computer to come on at 6 am so it will be all ready for her to 
> check her email in the morning before she leaves for work, and 
> then (with power management) have it turn itself off an hour after 
> she stops using it (when she leaves to go to work for the day). 
> No sense having it run 24x7 when she only uses it for about a 
> half hour every day. 
> Yes, of course she can turn it on and off, but it would be great 
> to make this automatic. 

If you can do it at all, you can set it in the BIOS. I have an old Dell
with those settings, though I've never used them. If you don't have
those settings, then you're out of luck there, I'm afraid.

Darrin Chandler            |  Phoenix BSD User Group  |  MetaBUG
dwchandler at   |      |  |  Daemons in the Desert   |  Global BUG Federation

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