7z on LINUX

Vaughn Treude vltreude at deru.com
Sun Jun 24 16:07:17 MST 2007

Hello all:
I recently had the misfortune to download an archive with 7z format.  I 
can't find anything that does that sort of decompression in Linux.  On 
7zip's source-forge page, there's some nonsense about using Wine to run 
their Windows version, but as far as I'm concerned, that's a ridiculous 
kludgie way of doing things that should be avoided if at all possible. 
Somebody must make a 7z decoder runs on Linux, right?  It's just that 
every time I do a Google search I get all this Windows crap!  I was able 
to download some source which CLAIMS to compile on Linux but the 
makefile is totally in a Windows format.  Heck, I might be willing to 
port it, but I'm not going to reinvent somebody else's wheel.  So does 
anybody know of a real Linux app that does this?

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