Caveman UI [WAS: Re: Explaining T-Shirts]

Matt Graham danceswithcrows at
Tue Jul 31 09:06:27 MST 2007

David Bendit <DarkElf109 at>:
> On Jul 31, 2007, at 5:42 AM, George Toft wrote:
>>> Eben realized that the GUI was the death of language. The 
>>> "caveman interface", he called it, since it reduced the 
>>> user to pointing and grunting.

To be fair, modern mice allow the caveman to make 5 or more 
different types of grunts.  And think about trying to use Gimp
without a pointing device of some sort.  It wouldn't work that
well.  Language is a Swiss Army Chainsaw, sure, but there are
times when a simple hammer gets the job done faster.

>> "The main purpose of a GUI is to support multiple xterms."
> Pfft. Who needs xterms when you have screen properly configured?

Multiple overlapping windows can be nice when you have to monitor
stuff while working on other stuff.  And resizing a VC is in
general more difficult than resizing an xterm.  And I've heard 
too many reports of video cards where if you try to use DVI,
you don't see a thing until X starts up (no POST or BIOS Setup 
without VGA, yikes.)

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