Need a reliable audio streamming distribution server

Ted Gould ted at
Thu Jan 25 11:53:47 MST 2007

On Wed, 24 Jan 2007, Gene Holmerud wrote:
> Currently the project is low-buget as it strives for popularity, but with
> connections to most of the living atrists of the genre (a number of which
> have already been on the show) and his many years as a Los Angeles area
> DJ, it will be a real money maker for all involved.
> If you do this service or have a recomendation, please reply offline.

I've never used them before, but it is all based on Open Source components 
and they provide Ogg streams.  Yeah, they do the other formats, but I like 
supporting Ogg.  This is the company that is doing a large amount of work 
on Gstreamer, so by supporting the you're really supporting multimedia on 
the Linux desktop.

Another plug, they're now selling licensed Gstreamer plugins for all the 
MPEG formats and Windows Media.  If you're using those formats, and you 
don't want to violate the law or you'd like to support Gstreamer 
development, you should buy the plugins:
They're not that expensive.  We can discuss using Ogg, but if you need to 
read those other formats, there is a legal way.  (the MP3 plugin is free)


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