trying to get gallery running

Jeremy C. Reed reed at
Sat Jan 6 08:53:57 MST 2007

> I'm running Debian, installed gallery 1 I believe, as apt-get install
> gallery2 kept coming back with file not found (or something like that).  So
> I did apt-get install mysql, then apt-get install gallery, and chose the
> defaults for all the prompts except server name and admin email for
> apache-ssl.  The web site I had set up previously is still working fine.
> But browsing to gives me a 404,
> and a  gives me a forbidden error.

You said your previous site works. Is it the same hostname?

If not, did you create a new VirtualHost?

Did you check your DocumentRoot is correct?

Did you verify that gallery/setup/index.php is in your DocumentRoot?

Are your directory permissions correct for the apache to serve the 

Do you also have a /gallery/index.php?

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