Nokia 770 - keyboard question

Vaughn Treude vltreude at
Fri Jan 5 14:08:25 MST 2007

Ted Gould wrote:
> On Fri, 5 Jan 2007, Vaughn Treude wrote:
>> This isn't an off-topic question, since the Nokia runs Linux!
>> I have a Nokia 770 and like it very much.  I need to get a Bluetooth
>> keyboard.  I hope there are some Nokia users out there that might have
>> an opinion on which to get.
> I'm using the Think Outside keyboard, it works well with the 770.  It's 
> expensive, but it is just really well designed.  I think I got it for $100 
> on Amazon at some point...
>  		--Ted

Is that the five-row three-fold version or the four-row two-fold 
version?  What's the actual model number?  Sometimes it's hard to tell 
what somebody is selling on Amazon because of the Think Outside's 
somewhat-confusing product naming scheme.  Thanks for your input.


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