VMware Workstation vs. Server

keith smith klsmith2020 at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 4 09:19:50 MST 2007

When I get some time I hope to try VMWare

Nathan Aubrey <nathan at paysonlinux.org> wrote: On Thursday 14 December 2006 06:41, Kurt Granroth wrote:
> 2. Server and Player may have serious time-loss problems with Windows guest
> OS on a Linux host yet VMWare (the company) has never officially addressed
> this issue much less fixed it.  There are some workarounds posted in the
> forums but none of them have worked for me yet.


set windows to update it's time settings over the internet, like ntp. 
That's the best fix I've found. Right click the clock, click on Adjust 
Date/Time, click on Internet Time, select the check box and hit ok.

Of course, this is all moot if you are not on the 'net.
This is an XP deal as well, may not work on others...


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