[PhxBUG] Networking

hacktavist at cox.net hacktavist at cox.net
Wed Jan 3 19:10:50 MST 2007

That would be great. I am in the northwest valley but work in south 
phoenix. I can try to swing by and pick it up if you are close.

On Wed, 3 Jan 2007, Scott Walters wrote:

> Too bad you weren't at Phoenix.PM last meeting.  We got a nice jackpot of
> ORA review titles including Network Security Hacks, which I got stuck with
> because no one would take.  >=)
> Seriously though, I'm going to try to get a review somewhere noticable
> (to keep the review books flowing, to keep the Phoenix.PM members coming
> back) but it suits my cause to give it away again to anyone else who
> will review it, so if you're willing to do a review and you want a slightly
> used but recently released book, I'll try to get it to you somehow.
> Cheers,
> -scott
> On  0, hacktavist at cox.net wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> I was wondering if anyone out there has a good list of resources or a
>> suggestion as to any good websites for some advanced networking
>> information, i love books, alas i am a father of 3 and a sysadmin, so
>> hence i am to poor to by books right now. :-)
>> Thank you all,
>> Ray

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