no amp in Lamp

Darrin Chandler dwchandler at
Mon Feb 12 18:52:41 MST 2007

On Mon, Feb 12, 2007 at 07:40:40PM -0600, Jeremy C. Reed wrote:
> On Mon, 12 Feb 2007, vodhner at wrote:
> > I had a related problem with Ubuntu yesterday.  I wanted
> > to move a file to my wife's windows system and could not
> > find my USB stick.  So I used pscp, but first I had to install
> > OpenSSH.  Huh?  Seems like a really lame thing to leave out.
> Are you sure? ssh the client should be there, but the server was not 
> installed by default. (But I guess some could argue that the leaving out 
> the server is lame.)

He was using pscp, meaning putty scp, from the Windows box. So the
missing sshd on Ubuntu was indeed the surprising part.

> And yes, Ubuntu does leave lot out. But no system is perfect for every 
> one.

Yep. Ubuntu is certainly focused on desktop use. Why install sshd by
default? Most desktop users will never need it.

Still, I feel the pain. I had a few disappointing surprises like that
with Fedora, etc. Heck, with Fedora I found that not only were some old
stanbys not installed by default, they were not even available as

Darrin Chandler                   |  Phoenix BSD Users Group
dwchandler at          |  |

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