Oracle Woe's - Pam Issue?

Dan Lund situationalawareness at
Thu Dec 13 13:41:32 MST 2007

On Dec 13, 2007 1:14 PM,  <alex at> wrote:

> As I understood one of your previous messages, you made the point that
> early-stage application architecture decisions make scaling with
> cheaper hardware more feasible.  I agreed, and followed up with some
> ideas about how one might do this.

Not cheaper hardware, robust solutions that can scale from lightweight
DB software to larger solutions at a later time without much if any
> If you had ideas other than those, please share.  Or don't, it's
> Bryan's thread.  If he's got what he needs to get going, this can just
> die.

It sounds like he has quite a bit to chew on idea wise with memcached,
performance testing postgres & mysql, and the other ideas peppered
through this thread.
I apologize if you thought I was "calling you out", just the concept
of pulling away from a relational database for long-term storage had
to be challenged.


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