Oracle Woe's - Pam Issue?

Matt Graham danceswithcrows at
Tue Dec 11 16:04:49 MST 2007

After a long battle with technology, keith smith wrote
> Bryan O'Neal <BONeal at> wrote:            
>> So I put up an old box, installed Oracle, and life was good.  But now 
>> Oracle will not run on the dedicated box either.  I get the same symptoms
>> in that it says the DB and net listener are started but I can not connect
>> to the Oracle admin web page, however I get.

Nothing else in the error logs?  Was the last sentence missing words?

>> Does anyone successfully use Oracle 10g Express or should I just give it up
>> and run MySQL like every other idiot on the net.?
> You could always be like the rest of us........ However that depends on
> what you would like to accomplish.

I think if you can run your stuff on something that's not Orrible, and you 
don't anticipate heavy loads or Orrible-specific stored procs, you're better 
using My/Postgres.  Orrible is harder to install and troubleshoot than 
My/Postgres.  Almost 8 years ago, I had to use #$%^ing strace to 
translate "An Error Occurred" to "it's looking for a file 
called /usr/u01/blah/foo/iso8859-1.something and not finding it" while 
installing Orrible for testing purposes.  (They may have fixed this, but it 
was extraordinarily lousy error reporting.)

>>   I get the following error in my /var/log/secure
>> Dec 11 14:19:23 session opened for user oracle by (uid=0) 
>> Dec 11 14:20:08 session closed for user oracle 
>> Dec 11 14:20:08 session opened for user oracle by (uid=0) 
>> Dec 11 14:21:18 session closed for user oracle

This isn't an error, just info.  The startup script could've run as user 
oracle, started various daemon processes, and exited.  Or the daemons 
could've barfed miserably.  This is where you check the app-specific 
logfile(s) for more info, as you probably won't find any in that file.

>> This is my own CENT OS 5 box.

At least it's a "supported" distro.  That will make things easier.

   Hope is gone and she confessed / When you lay your dreams to rest
   You can get what's second best / But it's hard to get enough...
      --David Wilcox, "Eye of the Hurricane"
There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us to see

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