Need to outsource programming or hire full-time

Joshua Zeidner jjzeidner at
Tue Aug 28 10:59:17 MST 2007

  Well, Jason made some accusations, and I needed to clear them up.  As I
said, I had some unsatisfactory business dealings with Jason.  I was
completely willing to put it behind me.  The problem arose when I saw Jason
using numerous identities.  As a service to PLUG and anyone who may
potentially find themselves in the position that I did in dealing with
Jason, I felt the need to point that out.

  I am sure many developers on here have been in bad contract situations.  I
don't think this list is the proper place to discuss my disputes with
Jason.  As I said above, if you do work with Jason, make sure that the risks
of engaging in a project are his, not yours.

  Needless to say, I learned my lesson.  Hopefully, no one else who
subscribes here has to learn the same one the hard way.


   Josh Zeidner

On 8/28/07, Alan Dayley <alandd at> wrote:
> Just stop.  All of us.
> There are at least two sides to every story and any discussion in this
> forum will not resolve anything.  It is off-topic and a waste of
> bandwidth.
> Deleting this thread form the archive has been discussed.  I make no
> promises in that regard.  All participants in this thread know it is a
> publicly archived email list.  If you don't want it recorded, don't post
> it here.
> I personally am going to ignore any further activity on this thread.
> Alan

.0000. communication.
.0001. development.
.0010. strategy.
.0100. appeal.

IT Consultant

( 602 ) 490 8006
jjzeidner at
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