Re: vmware on fedora 7

'josh coffman' joshcoffman at
Mon Aug 27 16:30:00 MST 2007

I'm bothered that I may have to dual boot winXp just to be able to program. [Yes, I can program on linux too, especially mono.. but its not my primary job.]

Two things I have NOT yet done to solve the wireless bridging problem with vmware are:
1) define a second bridged adapter to wlan0, and set the first back to eth0.
2) try static ip, which I'm still trying to figure out how to.

I've also bookmarked an article on how to disable VGA frame buffer so I can go fullscreen with my vmware machine.

I'm also willing to consider running a different distrobution than Fedora 7. Mint or OpenSuse maybe? Anyone use vmware on those? (Mint = Ubuntu + codecs)

I'm open to suggestions.

Just to recap: vmware guest winXP runs on my fedora7. but I can't use a bridged connection to put the vm on my lan.. and I can't run it fullscreen in the admin console because of a stupid vga issue when I set the guest resolution > 800x600. solving either would work for me, but solving both is preferred.


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